Sunday, April 18, 2010

Knoxville Tennessee

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The World's First Crossword puzzle

The World's First Crossword
Wynne had the job of devising the weekly puzzle page for Fun, the eight-page comic section of the New York World. When he devised what he called a Word-cross for the Christmas 1913 edition, published on 21 December he could have no idea that he would be starting a worldwide craze. The puzzle page had previously featured plenty of word squares, rebuses, hidden words, anagrams and connect-the-dots drawings. For this edition Wynne decided he would have something new. He sketched out a diamond-shaped grid, wrote FUN, the name of the comic section, across the top squares, and started filling in the rest of the grid. He numbered the squares at the start and end of each word, and wrote definition clues for the words he had filled in. The puzzle was printed with the instruction to the solver: "Fill in the small squares with words which agree with the following definitions.". Thus was the crossword born. The new puzzle became popular immediately, and continued to appear every week. One change was that after a few weeks the name was changed from Word-cross to Cross-word. After experimenting with different shapes, including a circular puzzle, Wynne eventually settled on a rectangular pattern. It was not until some time later that the hyphen was dropped, and the Cross-word became a Crossword. From the very first, readers began sending in crosswords they had composed, and by February 1914, Wynne was regularly using these readers' submissions. There was a problem, however: the weekly crossword was plagued by typesetting errors, and as a result it was decided to drop the crossword. An immediate howl of outrage came from the readers, and the crossword was reinstated after an absence of only one week. Surprisingly, despite their popularity, crosswords appeared nowhere else but the New York World. Then in 1924, a couple of newly-qualified graduates of the Columbia School of Journalism, called Dick Simon and Lincoln Schuster, set up in business as publishers. Looking for something to publish, they settled on a book of the puzzles from the New York World. This book was an immediate massive hit, and launched the crossword craze worldwide

World's First Computer

Computer History
Konrad Zuse - Z1 Computer
First freely programmable computer.
John Atanasoff & Clifford BerryABC Computer
Who was first in the computing biz is not always as easy as ABC.
Howard Aiken & Grace HopperHarvard Mark I Computer
The Harvard Mark 1 computer.
John Presper Eckert & John W. MauchlyENIAC 1 Computer
20,000 vacuum tubes later...
Frederic Williams & Tom KilburnManchester Baby Computer & The Williams Tube
Baby and the Williams Tube turn on the memories.
John Bardeen, Walter Brattain & Wiliam ShockleyThe Transistor
No, a transistor is not a computer, but this invention greatly affected the history of computers.
John Presper Eckert & John W. MauchlyUNIVAC Computer
First commercial computer & able to pick presidential winners.
International Business MachinesIBM 701 EDPM Computer
IBM enters into 'The History of Computers'.
John Backus & IBM FORTRAN Computer Programming Language
The first successful high level programming language.
1955(In Use 1959)
Stanford Research Institute, Bank of America, and General ElectricERMA and MICR
The first bank industry computer - also MICR (magnetic ink character recognition) for reading checks.
Jack Kilby & Robert NoyceThe Integrated Circuit
Otherwise known as 'The Chip'
Steve Russell & MITSpacewar Computer Game
The first computer game invented.
Douglas EngelbartComputer Mouse & Windows
Nicknamed the mouse because the tail came out the end.
The original Internet.
Intel 1103 Computer Memory
The world's first available dynamic RAM chip.
Faggin, Hoff & MazorIntel 4004 Computer Microprocessor
The first microprocessor.
Alan Shugart &IBMThe "Floppy" Disk
Nicknamed the "Floppy" for its flexibility.
Robert Metcalfe & XeroxThe Ethernet Computer Networking
Scelbi & Mark-8 Altair & IBM 5100 Computers
The first consumer computers.
Apple I, II & TRS-80 & Commodore Pet Computers
More first consumer computers.
Dan Bricklin & Bob FrankstonVisiCalc Spreadsheet Software
Any product that pays for itself in two weeks is a surefire winner.
Seymour Rubenstein & Rob BarnabyWordStar Software
Word Processors.
IBMThe IBM PC - Home Computer
From an "Acorn" grows a personal computer revolution
MicrosoftMS-DOS Computer Operating System
From "Quick And Dirty" comes the operating system of the century.
Apple Lisa Computer
The first home computer with a GUI, graphical user interface.
Apple Macintosh Computer
The more affordable home computer with a GUI.
Microsoft Windows
Microsoft begins the friendly war with Apple.